Thursday, February 14, 2008

A quick update...

Hi all!

We don´t have time to upload photos but just wanted to say a quick hello!

We are having a great time in Medellín but are ready to come home and get Gabriela settled in. Unfortunately, it doesn´t look like that will happen as soon as we had hoped. I guess the post of the Defender of the Family, who is appointed by ICBF to review everything that goes through the courts, just changed hands. It sounds like there was about a week where nothing got reviewed or signed. Our file got to his office on February 5th but he didn´t review it until the 12th. He has approved it but is waiting to sign it until our sentencia (court date) has been scheduled. As of today, our sentencia has not yet been scheduled. It will most likely be scheduled for sometime early next week (at least that is what we´re hoping). We were planning to fly home from Bogota next Sunday, thinking that 2 1/2 weeks in the courts would be enough and would allow us a full week in Bogota. Now it looks like we will not have sentencia until at least early next week, which I don´t think gives us enough time to get everything done in Bogota. That means we will most likely have to change our return flight, which will not be cheap! We are a little bit frustrated but there isn´t anything we can do, so we are just trying to enjoy our time here.

On a more positive note, Gabriela is doing great and continues to let more and more of her personality show. She is a little clown and she makes us laugh a hundred times a day. We think she may be fighting off a minor cold but it doesn´t seem like anything serious and she´s still eating and sleeping.

Today we visited Yolombó, which is the town Gabriela was born in. We both said after we left that we are glad she won´t grow up there - even though it´s likely that she would have had a very happy life there, there really isn´t much opportunity. We took some photos that we look forward to sharing with her someday.

We´ll try to post soon and will definitely let you know when we receive our sentencia and head to Bogota. Please cross your fingers that that will happen soon!

Leslie, Daniel, and Gabriela


Barb Austin said...

Hello Leslie and Daniel - we continue to enjoy your photos and news. We had almost the same type "news" from our son and wife -disappointment - wanting to get home - and making the best of it. The wonderful thing is that you are having this time to get to know your little angel. Our kids did not get their daughter until about day 21 and could not afford to even go see her every day as it was a 2 1/2 hr. drive one way and $125.00 for driver and translator. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and hope things will go well for the duration. LOVE the photos. Take care. Barb and Richard Austin

Katie said...

Hello, It looks like you are all doing well. I love the photos. You guys look so happy. I'd say if you are doing great with everything but naps things are good. You sound happy and that excites us. We can't wait to meet your little angel. She looks so personable in the photos. The warm weather must be nice. We are ready for a few days in a row of warmer weather. I hope the paperwork finds its way through the system so you guys can get home as planned. There are many people waiting to see you and meet little Gabby.
Katie, Kyle, Kira, and Logan