Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wrapping up week three...

Hi all!

Well, we are wrapping up another busy but good week here in Medellin! Actually, it was our quietest week so far. We had places to go and people to see nearly every day, but we were actually home for at least one of Gabriela's naps each day! On the topic of naps, Gabby really doesn't like to take them! She falls asleep in her stroller or car seat easily, but it's a battle to get her to take a nap in her crib. We feel like we've got a pretty good handle on everything else, though.

The highlight of our week was a trip to the zoo on Friday. The zoo here is NOT like zoos in the U.S. The animals are in corral-type pens or chain-link enclosures and you can come within an arm's length of many of them! I believe the tigers were the only animals that had a second fence around their enclosure! Gabby especially liked the monkeys, which really is not surprising, since we have said many a time that they switched our little girl for a "miquita." She talks a LOT and sometimes sounds surprisingly like a little monkey! She also seemed to like the birds.

We are waiting to here when we will receive our "sentencia," which will allow us to head to Bogota for Gabby's visa and then home. Our paperwork has been in the courts for a week and two days, and average is two to three weeks. We will keep everyone posted and are very much hoping to come home on our original return date of February 25th. We are having a great time but want to get Gabriela home and settled in.

Our best to everyone at home!

Daniel, Leslie, and Gabriela

1 comment:

johnandtera said...

She is darling and looks so happy! Our kids are the same way with naps-they are afraid of missing something fun. We can't wait to see you when you get home-it is getting closer. Tera