Wednesday, January 30, 2008

At The Bridge of the West

Mommy loves me a LOT!


Me gusta mucho comer!

They FINALLY got it right!

Playing airplane with Daddy!

The first week...

The first week with Gabriela has gone really, really well! We just love her to bits and pieces! I´ll try to re-cap what we´ve been up to and then post a couple more photos...

Mostly we´ve been taking it easy. We´ve been over to several people´s houses for meals or just to visit and Gabriela has done really well. She seems to like almost everyone and she will sleep and eat pretty much wherever we are. She slept through the night the last two nights, which you would think would mean that we are refreshed and well-rested, but that´s not the case! We spent much of both nights wondering when she was going to wake us up and neither of us slept very well.

Monday we had our integration meeting. We met with Gabriela´s social worker, our attorney, and the attorney for ICBF. We talked about how we were doing, how Gabby was doing, whether she was eating and sleeping, how we were all adjusting to each other, etc. They issued the documents we need to proceed with the process and our attorney filed them with the court this morning.

Yesterday we went with Daniel´s cousin Felipe, his 6-month old daughter, and his mother-in-law to a historic town called Santa Fe de Antioquia. The town is beautiful, as is the drive there. It was a long day, but fun. The drive was a couple of hours each way (with stops for pan de queso and coffee) and it was very HOT, both in the car and while we were there. That meant that we had two hot, cranky, ticked-off babies. But, I think it was a good bonding experience and Gabriela and I did really well together (daddy got to sit in the front seat and didn´t have to hold the hot, squirming, and, at times, screaming baby).

And now, a few more photos. Enjoy!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Two days with Gabriela

Hi everyone!

The first two days have been GREAT! The first night was a little bit rough, I´m sure because Gabriela was over-tired, over-stimulated, and in a strange place with strange people. Last night, however, she slept for 11 hours with only a couple of hiccups. She is a calm, happy baby and so much fun! Her smile just melts us. Yesterday we went to see Gabriela´s cousin Ana Sofia. Ana Sofia is 2 months younger than Gabby and they are very cute together. Tomorrow they have a swim date.

Yesterday we took Gabby to the pediatrician for her first check-up (with us, at least). The doctor said she appears to be very healthy, very alert, and right on track. That is how we found out that she weighs much less than we thought - over 1 kg less, or about 2.5 pounds. She did not particularly like going to the doctor, but she did pretty well. She fell asleep on me on the way out, slept through the car ride, and took an hour nap when we got home.

We will try to post photos soon - the connection is REALLY slow and we have to use someone else´s computer so we may not be able to post photos as often as we´d like. We hope everything is going well at home. Please kiss the puppies for us - we miss them!

Leslie, Daniel, and Gabriela!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A few things about Gabriela...

1. She is the most beautiful baby in the world.
2. She weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds less than they told us, so she can take swimming lessons in most of the clothes we brought.
3. She does not like the way we prepare a bath and she´s not afraid to tell us that.
4. She has two teeth (the middle bottom ones).
5. She likes mixed fruit baby food the best (why settle for one fruit when you can have them all?).
6. Everything gets taste-tested, and I mean EVERYTHING.
7. She talks a lot - some of her favorite things to say are "Aaahhh" and "Blah blah blah blah!"
8. She is the most beautiful baby in the world. Did I already say that?

And now, pictures!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

She's Beautiful

We just talked to Daniel and Leslie in Colombia. They asked us to post a message for them. Today was the big day and allwent well. They are officially Mom and Dad. Gabriela is happy, healthy and , according to her parents, BEAUTIFUL. They are settled into the apartment and lots of help from Daniel's family. They promised that they would post news and pictures as soon as they can get to a computer. We are so happy for them we could bust.

Grandpa Squires

I just spoke to my precious granddaughter on the phone. Leslie said she shrieked and laughed! Leslie and Daniel are so excited to finally have their baby girl. I can hardly wait now until I get to meet Gabby in person.

Grandma Squires

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Saludes desde Medellín!

Hola! We arrived safely in Medellín yesterday after a very uneventful but long day of traveling. Things could not have gone more smoothly - both of our flights were on time, all of our luggage arrived in Medellín, and our ride was waiting when we got through customs! We were taken immediately to a restaurant for empanadas and aguardiente (very important) and then to our apartment. By ¨our apartment¨ I mean Felipe and Sandra´s apartment, which they are letting us use while we are here. They are SO generous and we are more grateful than we can ever express to them. As if it weren´t enough that they are letting us stay there, the apartment was cleaned and stocked with breakfast fixings when we arrived.

This morning we met with our attorney and we are all set for tomorrow. We can´t believe we´re going to be parents in less than 24 hours! We are preparing by spending some time today with Felipe´s 6-month old daughter, who is absolutely beautiful. We will shop this afternoon for some last-minute items, including formula, and spend the rest of the day just hanging out with family.

We will try to post often, but we do not have a computer in the apartment, so it might not be as often as we´d like. The next time we post, we will be parents!

Leslie and Daniel

Sunday, January 20, 2008

And... we're off!

We will be on a plane to Colombia in just about 10 hours and we are SO excited - we can't believe the day is finally here! Please keep us in your thoughts, as we have a BIG couple of days ahead of us! Stay tuned...

Leslie and Daniel

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 days (and counting!)...

Well, five days from this very moment we will be heading to bed so we can wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:00 a.m. to head to the airport! And one week from this very moment we will be heading to bed for our last night of uninterrupted sleep, at least for a while! The last couple of weeks have flown by. We've been working, working, and... working! Daniel is trying to finish up with a number of his students since we'll be gone for 5 weeks, and I'm trying to get about six weeks of work done in two. That has definitely helped the time pass more quickly.

On Saturday night our friends Kelley, Shannon, and Julie threw us an awesome co-ed baby shower. Everyone was so generous, and Gabriela is pretty much set, at least until she outgrows 12-month clothing! We received so many fun and useful gifts and are so appreciative of everyone's generosity. We have such wonderful friends and family and are so grateful for the love, support, and well wishes we've received.

At this point, all of the big things are in order, or at least we think they are! We have our airfare, my visa (Daniel doesn't need one since he's Colombian), Gabriela's ticket for the flight home, accomodations during our time in Colombia, Daniel's international driver's license (there is NO WAY I'm getting behind the wheel in Colombia - they would chew me up and spit me out), and copies of all of our documents. We also have Gabriela's things in order - clothes, shoes, socks, bibs, diapers, pjs, bottles, toys, blankets, diaper bag, baby meds - you name it, I think we have it. Now we just need to find a way to fit it all, plus our stuff for five weeks, in our alotted 2 suitcases, 1 carry-on and 1 personal item each!

The next few days will be VERY busy! We have LOTS of little things left to do, and every time I cross one thing off the list I add two more. But, I am confident we will get it all done! We'll try to post before we leave, but if we don't, please keep your fingers crossed that we find the time to get everything done and we make it through with our sanity intact!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Passing the time...

As you know from previous posts, we received our referral on December 8th and we meet Gabriela on January 23rd - that is 6 1/2 weeks that we will have to wait! It is SO hard to wait! Most families adopting from Colombia travel within 2-4 weeks of receiving their referral, but since the courts close from December 15th to January 15th, the timing of our referral was such that we had to wait a bit longer.

So what have we been doing to pass the time? Well, my dad's cousins Leann and Loree threw a really nice baby shower for me on December 16th, which was so much fun because they managed to get the word out that we had been assigned a little girl and we got lots of fun girl things! Also, we feel very lucky to have had the holidays to distract us - that helped a lot. Last week we prepared and sent my visa application to the consulate. This past weekend we shopped (having a baby is a great excuse to shop - I love it). We bought our crib mattress (we had it on our registry, but honestly, who's going to lug that to a baby shower?), mattress pad, diapers, a couple of adorable outfits, onesies, and luggage. This week I wrote thank-you notes, bought Gabriela's ticket for our return flight, organized papers that we need to take with us (a copy of our complete dossier, our immigration approval, and a handful of others), and packed Gabriela's suitcase, which is ridiculous because we still have 2 1/2 weeks to go, but I just couldn't help myself! This weekend I plan to take down our Christmas tree and spend several hours working from home. Next weekend our friends are having a co-ed happy hour baby shower for us on Saturday and then we will go shopping on Sunday to buy the remaining essentials. And then we'll only have a week to go! We'll be busy with all the last-minute stuff - laundry, packing, cleaning, etc.

Some nights I go to bed early just because I want it to be the next day, which will be one day closer to Gabriela. Plus, I figure I should get my beauty rest now, while I still can!