Thursday, January 3, 2008

Passing the time...

As you know from previous posts, we received our referral on December 8th and we meet Gabriela on January 23rd - that is 6 1/2 weeks that we will have to wait! It is SO hard to wait! Most families adopting from Colombia travel within 2-4 weeks of receiving their referral, but since the courts close from December 15th to January 15th, the timing of our referral was such that we had to wait a bit longer.

So what have we been doing to pass the time? Well, my dad's cousins Leann and Loree threw a really nice baby shower for me on December 16th, which was so much fun because they managed to get the word out that we had been assigned a little girl and we got lots of fun girl things! Also, we feel very lucky to have had the holidays to distract us - that helped a lot. Last week we prepared and sent my visa application to the consulate. This past weekend we shopped (having a baby is a great excuse to shop - I love it). We bought our crib mattress (we had it on our registry, but honestly, who's going to lug that to a baby shower?), mattress pad, diapers, a couple of adorable outfits, onesies, and luggage. This week I wrote thank-you notes, bought Gabriela's ticket for our return flight, organized papers that we need to take with us (a copy of our complete dossier, our immigration approval, and a handful of others), and packed Gabriela's suitcase, which is ridiculous because we still have 2 1/2 weeks to go, but I just couldn't help myself! This weekend I plan to take down our Christmas tree and spend several hours working from home. Next weekend our friends are having a co-ed happy hour baby shower for us on Saturday and then we will go shopping on Sunday to buy the remaining essentials. And then we'll only have a week to go! We'll be busy with all the last-minute stuff - laundry, packing, cleaning, etc.

Some nights I go to bed early just because I want it to be the next day, which will be one day closer to Gabriela. Plus, I figure I should get my beauty rest now, while I still can!

1 comment:

Laura S said...

So excited for you guys. The apartment in Medellin sounds awesome and how great that you are able to use it while you are there. That was a life saver for us. Having some personal space, that is not a hotel, makes such a difference. We were lucky enough to have a car for the whole time and a driver for most of time we were in Medellin. Made things so much easier.

You are going to have a great time. And it is going to be exhausting and emotional and so much fun. I would recommend the first couple of days just make it the 3 of visitors. Its hard to do when everyone just wants to see you guys and meet the new addition but it will make such a difference. And if anyone gives you a hard time about it...blame me! :)

Can't wait to follow along on your trip.