Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 days (and counting!)...

Well, five days from this very moment we will be heading to bed so we can wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:00 a.m. to head to the airport! And one week from this very moment we will be heading to bed for our last night of uninterrupted sleep, at least for a while! The last couple of weeks have flown by. We've been working, working, and... working! Daniel is trying to finish up with a number of his students since we'll be gone for 5 weeks, and I'm trying to get about six weeks of work done in two. That has definitely helped the time pass more quickly.

On Saturday night our friends Kelley, Shannon, and Julie threw us an awesome co-ed baby shower. Everyone was so generous, and Gabriela is pretty much set, at least until she outgrows 12-month clothing! We received so many fun and useful gifts and are so appreciative of everyone's generosity. We have such wonderful friends and family and are so grateful for the love, support, and well wishes we've received.

At this point, all of the big things are in order, or at least we think they are! We have our airfare, my visa (Daniel doesn't need one since he's Colombian), Gabriela's ticket for the flight home, accomodations during our time in Colombia, Daniel's international driver's license (there is NO WAY I'm getting behind the wheel in Colombia - they would chew me up and spit me out), and copies of all of our documents. We also have Gabriela's things in order - clothes, shoes, socks, bibs, diapers, pjs, bottles, toys, blankets, diaper bag, baby meds - you name it, I think we have it. Now we just need to find a way to fit it all, plus our stuff for five weeks, in our alotted 2 suitcases, 1 carry-on and 1 personal item each!

The next few days will be VERY busy! We have LOTS of little things left to do, and every time I cross one thing off the list I add two more. But, I am confident we will get it all done! We'll try to post before we leave, but if we don't, please keep your fingers crossed that we find the time to get everything done and we make it through with our sanity intact!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Leslie and Daniel, it looks like you guys have most everything ready to go. I talked to your mom and Jen yesterday and they said you guys are getting pretty excited! I'm sure you are and we are so happy for you both. I might try and stop by on this weekend to drop of our gift. I hope all goes well. Have a great time! Katie, Kyle, Kira and Logan